प्लगइन टैग: pwa
Super Progressive Web Apps
(224कुल दर)SuperPWA helps you convert your WordPress website into a Progressive Web App instantly.
PWA for WP & AMP
(228कुल दर)PWA plugin is bringing the power of the Progressive Web Apps to the WP & AMP to take the user experience to the next level.
PWA for WordPress
(4कुल दर)PWA for WordPress makes your WordPress site to PWA (Progressive Web App) and makes control of PWA data caches easy.
WP-AppKit – Mobile apps and PWA for WordPress
(9कुल दर)Important ✋: beginning with version 1.5.3, we don't support anymore native iOS app. This is a tough choice we explain here.
Hyper PWA
(8कुल दर)Provide Manifest and Service Worker, convert WordPress into Progressive Web Apps (PWA).
Public Woo Api
(2कुल दर)Allows to fetch WooCommerce products, categories, tags, variations and reviews without authentication.
(11कुल दर)Introducing The Most Advanced and Intuitive WordPress plug-in to build Progressive Web Apps & Accelerated Mobile Pages for content websites.
Internet Connection Alert!
(4कुल दर)Aautomatically alert your visitors when they've lost internet connectivity
Progressive Web Apps
(4कुल दर)Use a Progressive Web App implemented with React JS to enhance the experience of your mobile users.
PWACommerce – WooCommerce Mobile Plugin for Progressive Web Apps & Hybrid Mobile Apps
(2कुल दर)PWACommerce is a mobile plugin that helps you transform your WooCommerce shop into a progressive mobile web application.
Minimum Configuration WordPress PWA
(0कुल दर)Add Progressive Web Apps (PWA) enhancement to your WordPress with minimum configuration. Preache your assets, and add offline page.
(1कुल दर)miTT PWA FREE WP transforms your WordPress Website into a Progressive Web App (PWA) and makes it offline ready using Service Workers.