ZPR Zeumic Products Database is a free product editor plugin that can work in tandem with WooCommerce and ZWM Zeumic Work Management to help you run your business.
It provides a full list of products for easy and fast editing with abilities to further manage with integration.
Integration with ZWM
When used alongside ZWM Zeumic Work Management extra functionality is added.
1st column is added that allows the user to easily add a product to any active order. Handy to quickly update orders.
2nd column allows editing ZWM’s own field on products called ‘SKU Link’. SKU Link is used to link the product to something, such as, a Google Document or Google Spreadsheet / Microsoft Document or Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet. The products associated procedure or ‘how to’ for making, setting up, configuring, or preparing the product.
Need more functionality? ZPR Zeumic Products Database Pro includes the following extra features:
- Customize number of rows displayed
- Automatically sort tasks on load
- WYSIWYG editor for rich text fields
- Meta description field (which adds to product page)
- Templates: Save a set of custom fields as a template and automatically add them to products with that template
- Ability to call custom fields and other fields using shortcode into any other field e.g. custom Gumtree Title
- (Coming soon) Export to Quickbooks
To download it for free, or to view a detailed comparison between free and Pro, please visit ZPR Zeumic Products Database Pro.
ZPR Zeumic Products Database operates extremely quickly on edits to the database. If you are experiencing speed issues, please follow our contact form.
Minimum Requirements
- WordPress 4.4 or greater
- WooCommerce 3.0 or greater
- PHP 5.3 or greater
- MySQL 5.0 or greater
- Some payment gateways require fsockopen support (for IPN access)
Automatic installation
For an automatic download of ZPR Zeumic Products Database, log in to your WordPress and select the Plugins Menu. In the search bar, insert “ZPR Zeumic Products Database”, select the plugin and click “Install Now”.
To add the ZPR Zeumic Products Database to a page, edit the page and add the shortcode [zpr] where desired.
Ensure your site is backed up before automatically updating ZPR Zeumic Products Database.
If, by a small chance, there is an issue with the pages after an update, go to WordPress > Settings > Permalinks and click “save”.
For more in-depth explanation on the running of ZPR Zeumic Products Database, refer to ZPR Zeumic Products Database Help. If your question has not been answered, submit a question via the Contact Form and we will get back to you.
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Interested in development?
Browse the code, check out the SVN repository, or subscribe to the development log by RSS.
बदलाव विवरण
Release date: December 29, 2021
version 1.8 updating compatability with wordpress 5.8+ and woocommerce 6+.
Release date: March 23, 2021
version 1.7.9 updating compatability with wordpress 5.7+ and woocommerce 5+.
Release date: August 14, 2020
version 1.7.8 updating compatability with wordpress 4.4+ and woocommerce 3+.
Release date: April 8, 2020
version 1.7.7 updating compatability with wordpress 4.4+ and woocommerce 3+.
Release date: April 3, 2020
version 1.7.6 updating compatability with wordpress 5.4+ and woocommerce 4+.
Release date: May 29, 2018
Compatibility: Now reports compatibility with WooCommerce, currently up to 3.4.
Release date: November 14, 2017
Bugfix [Installation]: “The plugin does not have a valid header.” errors when installing.
- Bugfix [Updating]: Incorrect version numbers when updating.
Release date: October 11, 2017
Bugfix [PRO – Variables]: {status}, {categories} and {tags} weren’t working correctly in Pro.
Release date: August 6, 2017
Appearance [ZSC 11.0]: Change appearance of Categories multiselect.
- Compatibility: Requires ZSC 11.0
Release date: June 25, 2017
Compatibility: ZSC 10.2
Release date: June 17, 2017
Compatibility: Includes ZSC 10.1
Release date: June 16, 2017
Compatibility: ZSC 10
Release date: June 13, 2017
Stability [ZSC 9.0]: Compatible versions of dependencies are enforced.
- Enhancement [ZSC 9.0]: Default values for all settings are explicitly shown.
- Compatibility: Requires ZSC 9
Release date: June 1, 2017
PRO bugfix: WC product pages weren’t loading properly.
Release date: May 31, 2017
Bugfix: Wasn’t displaying properly on front-end with [zpr_list] shortcode.
- Includes ZSC 8.0
Release date: May 31, 2017
New: Worksheet link field when ZWM Pro is active.
- Enhancement: Enabling/disabling fields is now done with a checkbox rather than on/off select.
- Infrastructure: Major update.
- Bugfix: Tags field wasn’t displaying properly.
- Requires ZSC 8.0
Release date: May 30, 2017
Includes ZSC 7.4
Release date: May 25, 2017
PRO bugfix: Extra order item meta option was interfering with creating WooCommerce Subscriptions renewal orders.
Release date: May 23, 2017
Includes ZSC 7.3
Release date: May 22, 2017
PRO: When a custom field’s key is updated, instances of the old key are replaced with the new key in templateable fields of that product, its template and the template’s children.
- PRO: Filtering by template now includes the template itself in the results.
- PRO: Variables now support filters, e.g. {description|key}. Available filters are: k/key, v/val/value, c/combo.
- PRO: Variable context: {subject::key} now gets subject’s key but evalautes any variables within that using the current context; {context:key} uses context as both the context and subject.
- Optimization: Loading data was very slow with Add to Order field
- Requires ZSC 7.2
Release date: May 19, 2017
Includes ZSC 7.1
Release date: May 19, 2017
Bugfix: Title field wasn’t linking to product edit page any more.
- PRO bugfix: Custom field {variables} were being expanded empty.
Release date: May 19, 2017
Shortcode to display grid changed from [zpr] to [zpr_list].
- Bugfix (ZSC 7.0.1): Current filter/search was removed after updating/deleting/etc.
- PRO bugfix: [zpr] shortcode wasn’t working in templates.
- PRO bugfix (ZSC 7.0.1): Was always showing 20 rows.
- Includes ZSC 7.0.1
Release date: May 18, 2017
Added option to recalculate order totals on adding a product to an order
- PRO: Added field for adding and editing product reviews.
- PRO: Added option to select custom fields on each product to add to order item meta when that product is added to an order
- PRO bugfix: Duplicating a product with a template resulted in duplicate custom fields and entries in the grid
- PRO bugfix: WYSIWIG editor wasn’t showing
- PRO bugfix: Description / short description field textboxes were too short
- Optimization: Most actions which interact with the server (updating, deleting, etc.) now take roughly half as long as before
- Requires ZSC 7.0
Release date: May 11, 2017
Products can now be added to an order while inserting or editing
- Having incompatible versions of core/Pro/other plugins now fails safely and gives warning
- Field width can now be customized
- Bugfix: ZWM SKU links were sometimes disappearing
- PRO: Various fixes to product templates
- PRO: [zpr] shortcode no longer necessary for template variables except in description and short description
- PRO bugfix: WYSIWIG editor sometimes didn’t save or load properly
- Versioning: Adopted weak semantic versioning (increment minor number for backwards incompatibility)
- Requires ZSC 6.0
Release date: May 9, 2017
Quick infrastructure update, text change
Release date: May 8, 2017
PRO: Pro version is now an extension to the base version, and the base version must be installed for it to work
- Requires ZSC 5.0
Release date: May 2, 2017
Added field for custom fields
- PRO: Product templates: Save a set of custom fields and automatically add them to products with that template
- PRO: Templating shortcode to substitute normal and custom fields into description and custom fields
- PRO: Added total value display under table (stock * price)
- Bugfix: ZWM SKU links were being overwritten
- Requires ZSC 4.3
Release date: April 20, 2017
Bugfix: Category links weren’t opening in new tabs
- Includes ZSC 4.1
Release date: April 13, 2017
Includes ZSC 4.0
Release date: April 6, 2017
Added option to add tags to HTML meta keywords
- Compatible with WooCommerce 3.0
- PRO bugfix: Filtering on meta description wasn’t working properly
Release date: April 5, 2017
Added tags field
- Sorting now maintained when searching
- Requires ZSC 2.1
Release date: April 4, 2017
Added ZPR table in backend
- Clicking on a textarea while inserting now expands the column and textarea for easier editing
- PRO: Added duplicate product button
- PRO: Added meta description field
- PRO: Can now use WYSIWYG editor when inserting products too
- Includes ZSC 2.0
Release date: April 3, 2017
Added image URL next to image when editing Product Image or Gallery fields
- Added settings for Add to Order button
- Bugfix: Empty categories weren’t showing
- Bugfix: Adding product to order item wasn’t working if there was already one of the product
- PRO: Added WYSIWYG editor for rich text fields
Release date: March 30, 2017
Clicking on a textarea while editing now expands the column for easier editing
- Updating product with empty slug now automatically generates a new slug based on the new (or old) title
Release date: March 27, 2017
Changed all fields to left-align
- Requires ZSC 1.3
Release date: March 21, 2017
Links now always open in new tabs
- Featured and gallery images can now be added while inserting a new product
- Image URLs can be edited
- Bugfix: Featured and gallery images can now be edited properly on old versions of PHP
Release date: March 16, 2017
Added ability to edit/delete featured image and gallery images
- Added ability to reorder gallery images
- Restructured in line with ZWM and ZTR
Release date: March 14, 2017
Added ID, status, stock, categories, featured image and gallery images fields
- Reduced padding to reduce crampedness
- Added product page link to slug
Release date: March 4, 2017
Removed unnecessary files
- BUGFIX: Adding to order didn’t always set price correctly
Release date: March 2, 2017
Initial release