प्लगइन टैग: login form
WP AJAX Login and Register Popup
(1कुल दर)WP AJAX Login and Register Popup is a WordPress plugin to login and register on your website using popup box!
Frontend Login and Registration Blocks
(3कुल दर)Frontend Login and Registration Blocks plugin provides blocks helps you to add login, register, lost password forms from front end.
FP Front End Login Form
(1कुल दर)FP Front End Login plugin allows you to add a log-in form to your wordpress site by using shortcode and Widget.
Front End Login Form
(5कुल दर)A tiny plugin which allows you to add a log-in form to your wordpress blog.
PopForms Lite
(0कुल दर)PopForms is a Material Design WordPress modal form Set including Five Exclusive material design form like contact form, forgot password form, subscrib …
WHMCS Modal Login
(0कुल दर)WHMCS Login Modal allows you to easily create a modal box that displays for WHMCS login form. It automatically adds a menu item to the end of the sele …
MC Login Code
(0कुल दर)Adds an authentication code field to your login form for better security and a block to brute-force attacks.
WordPress Login Styles
(0कुल दर)Wordpress Login Styles is an awesome, super lightweight plugin for your wordpress website
OlalaWeb – Custom WP Login
(0कुल दर)Customize your WP login screen with your own logo (from your Media Library) and resize the form with a few clicks.
(0कुल दर)ACLoginWidget that automatically makes a login form for your ActiveCollab installation in your Wordpress Site, with options.
Advanced Login Form
(1कुल दर)Advanced Login Form is a more customize wordpress plugin that use for wordpress login page. It also style register and forget password page.
Normalized Forms with Captcha
(0कुल दर)Custom Responsive Contact, Login & Register Forms with Captcha. Redirection of Register and Login links to a theme based Register page.
login themes
(0कुल दर)In the name of Allah,This plugin lets you to chose a theme for login form and change the default to a desire one!
Boot Slider
(1कुल दर)Bootstrap 5 Slider with customize and awosome ui/ux. Wordpress Full functional. Use Shortcode [boot_slider id=" "] or [boot_slider id=" …
Fancy Login Form
(0कुल दर)By using the shortcode [mg-fancy-login-form] users can create the fancy login form. Users can see the list of parameters in fancy login form menu item …
Login Registration Kit
(0कुल दर)Simply great frontend user and registration tool. We created it for us but think it will helpful for you too.
Admin login template
(0कुल दर)A WordPress plugin so that you change wp-admin layout also you can change dynamically all the labels of login/forgot-password form by install this plu …