प्लगइन टैग: disable
Disable User Login
(4कुल दर)Provides the ability to disable user accounts and prevent them from logging in.
Disable Users
(18कुल दर)This plugin gives you the ability to disable specific user accounts via a profile setting.
Disable Application Passwords
(8कुल दर)Activate this plugin to disable the Application Passwords feature that was added in WP v5.6.
Meks Quick Plugin Disabler
(6कुल दर)Temporarily disable (and restore) all currently active plugins with a single click
Disable Visual Editor WYSIWYG
(22कुल दर)This plugin will disable the visual editor for selected page/post..
Disable email Notification for auto-updates
(1कुल दर)This plugin will disable email notifications that WordPress sends, after an auto-update of plugins, themes, or WordPress.
Disable Password Reset
(4कुल दर)Enhance security of your blogs by preventing password reset over email function.
Page Comments Off Please
(9कुल दर)Page Comments Off Please – Unchecks Discussion comment checkboxes by default on pages, posts or both! Plus a simple one-click toggle to turn off comme …
Simple WWW Redirect
(3कुल दर)The plugin specifies whether your domain will include www. Redirects www to non-www or non-www to www.
Simple Trackback Disabler
(21कुल दर)A utility plugin that runs database operations on your WP database to change settings and clean up unwanted trackbacks, pingbacks, and comments.
WP Performance Pack
(14कुल दर)Boost WordPress performance: Faster localization, (on the fly) dynamic image resizing and CDN support for images.
Disable JPEG Compression
(9कुल दर)Disable the JPEG compression in WordPress, which enabled by default.
Disable Json API, Login Lockdown, XMLRPC, Pingback, Stop User Enumeration Anti Hacker Scan
(14कुल दर)Firewall, Scanner, block user enumeration & TOR, disable Json API, xmlrpc & Pingback, Hide Version, Login error message, Notifications, more…
Disable Thumbnails, Threshold and Image Options
(3कुल दर)Disable thumbnail sizes, default WordPress sizes and theme/plugins image size and others image advanced control.