प्लगइन टैग: Bitbucket
Documents from Git
(3कुल दर)A plugin to inject and render files in a WordPress post or page directly from most popular Git platforms. Currently supported file types: Markdown, J …
WP Pusher Slack Notifications
(1कुल दर)Get a notification in Slack every time something is deployed from Git with WP Pusher.
GitHub & BitBucket Project Lister
(0कुल दर)This is a Wordpress plugin that will list your open source projects from github or bitbucket in-page or via sidebar.
Bitbucket Issues Plugin
(0कुल दर)Aggregate issues from all repositories owned by a bitbucket.org user and display as list.
Front Page to Category
(0कुल दर)Make front page links go to the post's category page instead. Useful for increasing page views.
WB Embed Code
(0कुल दर)A simple plugin created by the WP Bucket plugin for embed bitbucket codes in the wordpress posts with shortcode.
PCSH (PastaCode and SyntaxHighlighter)
(2कुल दर)Use PCSH to add code into your posts with the awesome SyntaxHighlighter plugin. So, past'a code!