Features: Adds remote attachments support for your WordPress blog.
use this plugin, you can upload any files to remote ftp servers(be aware that your FTP server must has Apache or other HTTP server daemon) in WordPress.
- Support both single user site AND multisite.
- support upload files to remote FTP server.
- support delete files on remote FTP server.
- works just like the files are saved on your local server-_-.
- with this plugin,you can move all your local server files to remote server.
- after you’ve uninstall this plugin,you can move remote server files to local server if you’d like to do so.
For MORE information,please visit the plugin homepage for any questions about the plugin.
- version 1.3.1 fixup thumbnail srcset url with WP 4.5+
- version 1.3.0 edit or crop image is working correctly now.
- version 1.2.1 fixed the bug when uploading new theme or plugin this plugin may cause it to fail.
- version 1.2.0 added duplicated file checking,so that the existed remote files will not be overwrote.
version 1.1.0 added compatibility with watermark plugins
1.0.2 增加自动创建远程目录功能。解决在某些FTP服务器出现“在远程服务器创建目录失败”的问题。
- 1.1.0 增加与水印插件的兼容性,使上传到远程服务器的图片同样可以加上水印
- 1.2.0 增加重复文件检测,避免同名文件被覆盖。更新和完善了帮助信息。
- 1.2.1 修正在后台上传主题或插件时的bug.
- 1.2.3 加密保存FTP密码,增加插件兼容性(同时支持ftp扩展方式和socket方式连接远程FTP服务器)
- 1.2.4 增加重复缩略图字段检测
- 1.2.6 增加对xmlrpc支持(支持通过Windows Live Writer 上传图片时自动上传到远程ftp服务器)
- 1.2.7 修复Windows Live Writer 上传图片时url不正确的bug
- 1.2.8 修复在PHP 5.3.x以后版本中报“Fatal error: Call-time pass-by-reference has been removed in hacklogra.class.php on line 539”错误的兼容性bug.
- 1.3.0 修改图片后已经可以正常重新回传至远程ftp服务器了。
- Upload the whole fold
to the/wp-content/plugins/
directory - Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
- Configure the plugin via
->Hacklog Remote Attachment
menu and it’s OK now,you can upload attachments(iamges,videos,audio,etc.) to the remote FTP server. - If your have moved all your local server files to remote server,then you can
so that all your attachments URLs will be OK.
You can visit plugin homepage for detailed installation guide.
सामान्य प्रश्न
- Installation Instructions
- Upload the whole fold
to the/wp-content/plugins/
directory - Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
- Configure the plugin via
->Hacklog Remote Attachment
menu and it’s OK now,you can upload attachments(iamges,videos,audio,etc.) to the remote FTP server. - If your have moved all your local server files to remote server,then you can
so that all your attachments URLs will be OK.
You can visit plugin homepage for detailed installation guide.
- Upload the whole fold
सहायक &डेवलपर्स
यह खुला स्रोत सॉफ्टवेयर है। अनुगामी लोगो ने इस प्लगइन के लिए योगदान दिया है।
योगदानकर्ताTranslate “Hacklog Remote Attachment” into your language.
Interested in development?
Browse the code, check out the SVN repository, or subscribe to the development log by RSS.
बदलाव विवरण
- fixed: thumbnail srcset url with WP 4.5+
- fixed: edit or crop image is working correctly now.
- fixed: compatibility with PHP version above 5.3.x ,to avoid PHP complains “Fatal error: Call-time pass-by-reference has been removed in hacklogra.class.php on line 539”.
- fixed: Windows Live Writer file uploading bug(url incorrect).
- added: xmlrpc support (when use Windows Live Writer or other client via xmlrpc upload attahcment,the attachment will auto uploaded to remote FTP server )
- fixed: tools– “You do not have permission to do this” error.
- fixed: wp_delete_file HOOK should return a value (string)
- added: duplicated thumbnail filename (this things may happen when crop is TRUE)
- improved: encrypt FTP password and then store it to the DB
- improved: support connect with both php FTP module and php socket API
- fixed: DO NOT delete the options when the plugin is deactivating.
- fixed the bug when uploading new theme or plugin this plugin may cause it to fail.
- fixed: use new WP_Screen API to display help information
- improved: check FTP connection in the
page - fixed: added duplicated file checking,so that the existed remote files will not be overwrote.
- fixed: changed upload file permission to 0644 ,changed created directory permission to 0755
- fixed: get the right subdir when the post publish date was different from the media upload date.
- fixed: when no thumbnails,do not run foreach in function upload_images
- changed remote path to FTP remote path and added HTTP remote path to support the mapping relationship between FTP remote path and HTTP remote path
- fixed:when connection failed,delete the file on local server.
- fixed a bug(when remote path is root directory of FTP server)
- added FTP connection timeout option
- added FTP connection error message returning
- fixed a bug,when uploading a non-image file the image upload handler will handle the non-image file. (bug bring in version 1.1.0)
- fixed a bug in public static function upload_images(bug bring in version 1.1.1)
- handle image file in the later(in HOOK wp_generate_attachment_metadata) for compatibility with watermark plugins
- removed the scheduled hook,now delete the orig image file just after uploaded.
- added: remote direcotry auto-make functions.If the remote dir does not exists,the plugin will try to make it.
- added: put index.html to disable directory browsing
- fixed a small bug(cron delete).
- released the first version.