Estonian Banklinks for WooCommerce


This plugin consists of several Estonian banklinks:

  • Danske, Coop, LHV, SEB, Swedbank, Luminor, Liisi ID (iPizza protocol)
  • Luminor (Solo protocol)
  • Maksekeskus (Redirect), Maksekeskus Billing API (BETA)
  • Estcard (E-Commerce Payment Gateway)

Code is maintained and developed at Github. Contributions and discussions are very welcome at Github


  • All Payment Gateways
  • Example of LHV banklink gateway
  • WooCommerce Checkout page


  1. Upload estonian-banklinks-for-woocommerce folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the Plugins menu in WordPress
  3. Go to WooCommerce – Settings
  4. Payment gateways will be available to be configured in “Checkout” settings


अक्टूबर 26, 2020
Super plugin. Ainus mure on see, et Maksekeskuse API lahendusel kuvab Soome pangalingil Nordea logo asemel Luminori logo ja Soome kliendid ei leia oma panka üles.
जनवरी 23, 2020
Thanks! Большое спасибо! Работает отлично! Отвечают быстро и по делу!
सितम्बर 30, 2019
Where can I find information on how to fill in the required fields? Account ID, Your Private Key, Private Key Password, Bank`s Public Key. There is no information about this …
फ़रवरी 1, 2017
Very easy to use extension with all the banklinks you need in the Estonia. We had a minor issue while configuring this plugin and support was very fast to reply. What more you could want from free plugin? 🙂
7 के सभी समीक्षा पढ़ें

सहायक &डेवलपर्स

यह खुला स्रोत सॉफ्टवेयर है। अनुगामी लोगो ने इस प्लगइन के लिए योगदान दिया है।


बदलाव विवरण


  • Add SHA512 encryption support for IPIZZA protocols
  • Fix translations loading in WP 6.7


  • Run code through PHPCS
  • Add and declare HPOS compatibility


  • Added Maksekeskus Billing API gateway (beta) for better and simpler checkout with Maksekeskus
  • Fix: Incorrectly formatted additionalinfo field for Estcard caused issues and was not used in MAC data
  • Cleaned up code


  • Fix: PHP 7.1 rounding issue, which caused Maksekeskus transactions to fail
  • Forced Maksekeskus’ transaction URL
  • Added filter (woocommerce_{$gateway_id}_gateway_transaction_fields) to hook into transaction data


  • Renamed Krediidipank to Coop
  • Renamed Nordea to Luminor
  • Fix: WooCommerce 3 minor compatibility fix with Maksekeskus


  • Fix: Order ID and such should not be accessed directly with WooCommerce 3.0.x. Compatibility fix.
  • Save transaction ID with iPizza protocol


  • Compability with WooCommerce 3.0.x


  • Liisi ID via IPIZZA protocol.


  • Nordea payments via IPIZZA protocol. Older SOLO protocol remains available.


  • “Maksekeskus Redirect” gateway compability with newest system


  • Fix: Estcard ecuno has to be unique


  • Compressed bank logos (approx. 75KB total)


  • रिलीज़