Use the Prodii Publisher Plugin to..
– Create an employee directory
– Promote people on your homepage
– Map ressources and share skills transparency
Prodii is designed for freelancer networks, communities and distributed organisations.
– For project team leaders and project managers who want to introduce team members in the fastest way possible.
– For organisers of networks and communities who want to map and visualise ‘places we work’ and ‘skills we have’.
– For HR who want to build an organisational map, organise ressources and relations and build a skills database.
The Prodii WP Publisher Plugin connects your homepage to your account on https://prodii.com.
Save time when introducing people profiles on your home page:
Prodii WP plugin saves professionals lots of time and trouble when introducing people and their skills; within the team, within the organisation and towards clients. The Prodii Publisher Plugin enables you to publish professionel presentations of your organisation, with teams, team pages and complete team member profiles. Using just one short code you can publish as many teams and profiles as you need.
Don’t worry about updates; The Prodii WP Plugin synchronises content from your prodii account and networks into your wordpress homepage. Your team members are doing the work for you by keeping their profile updated.
Get started: Discover
Everybody has work relations with a potential. In todays work life this potential can become one of your most important assets.
- Discover the potential of your work relations
- Organise all your project groups in one place
- Host your trusted community for people working together
On https://prodii.com you collect and share professional information within your network and teams.
A quick introduction to team members
Going to an event? Joining a workshop? Working on a project in virtual teams? Create your event/ workshop-team and invite the other participants. Ask them about specific skills and let them complete their profile adding skills they want to share.
A Network with your own searchable skills
All you need to do is to structure your network in teams and invite people from your work life. When coming together – your personal network of skills and ressources are build bottom up. And the best part? You can pass on the depeche to your networks members and they can start building their network of work relations.
The Prodii plugin integrates information from your prodii account into your wordpress homepage.
Publish on your WP homepage
You can generate a short code for:
- each profile.
- a team; a 2-level page structure that includes all belonging profiles.
- a network page; an entire organisational 3-level structure that includes all selected teams and belonging profiles.
Put each short code on a page with full width page settings.
The short codes includes the id-numbers of your profile, team and/ or network and the name of the template that defines the layout and design.
Prodii offers a few free templates in opensource. You can design your own templates from these layouts by changing the CSS file.
This is how it works
Go to https://prodii.com and sign up for an account
- Import/ enter data to build your personal profile
- Fill out information about your company (organisation, network of teams)
- Create your teams and invite people
- Copy your WP-publisher Key*
Go to your wordpress homepage
- Install and activate Prodii WP-plugin
- Paste your WP-publisher Key into Settings
- Select template
- Generate short code and put it on a page
- Setting for the page must be “full page”
NB! Please read carefully before you install
First – Sign Up on https://prodii.com (no credit card required)
Then – Get your publisher Key for the WP-pluginPlease make sure you have the newest version of WordPress and our plugin installed.
Before downloading and installing this plugin please get familiar with our terms and conditions.
*) WP Publisher Key is a paid service with a 30 Day Free Trial period (no credit card required).
With a template you can show the network, team and profile pages as you like.
Select the template you like best from our template sample page, we offer some “ready to use” templates.
Templates are open source. Download any of the templates and customise it as you please.
When installed and activated you can access the prodii plugin from your dashboard menu In the Settings area insert your own Publisher Key Generate the shortcodes for your pages First select template and language Shortcode for a complete network page that will include active teams and profiles Shortcode for a team page that will include active team members profiles Shortcode for a profile page
- Download, install and activate the plug-in.
- From the menu in Your WordPress Dashboard open the Prodii plugin.
- Get your Publisher Key from your prodii account and paste the key into the ‘settings’ section.
How to get your Publisher Key
- Create/ login to your account on https://prodii.com.
- Go to your personal menu and select Account.
- Your publisher Key is a combination of letters and numbers – copy the key.
Generate a shortcode from the WP dashoard
Go to the “Shortcode” section .
- Select template (the visual presentation).
- Select locale (translates the labels and headings in the template).
- Select level Network, Teams or Profile.
Network shortcode for 3-level structure with the network and all teams you want to include
[careerpages key="Your Personal Key" level="Network" ids="network id,team ids" template="name of template" locale="selected language"]
Team shortcode for a 2-level structure with the team and members you want to include
[careerpages key="Your Personal Key" level="Team" ids="team id" template="name of template" locale="selected language"]
Member profile shortcode for the member you want to publish
[careerpages key="Your Personal Key" level="Profile" ids="profile id" template="name of template" locale="selected language"]
Important Note:
Copy/paste the shortcode into a page in textmode (not wysiwyg) – include start and end bracket.
You can create and publish as many shortcode combinations as you need.All active teams will be included when posting the network page.
All active profiles will be included when posting the team page.Setting for the page must be “full page”.
Manage your networks, team- and member status on https://prodii.com.
सामान्य प्रश्न
- How long time does it take to create a Prodii-profile?
It takes approximately 5 minutes when you import data from social media. We recommend you spend 5 minutes more to adjust information. Publish on a vanity-url and you have an online profile ready to pop up on search engines when somebody is searching for you. Remember to come back to keep your profile updated.
- Does it cost money to create a profile on Prodii?
- How do you make money? Do you sell my data to third parties?
We don’t use data trackers and we don’t sell data. Read about our data policy (link til: https://blog.prodii.com/en/the-prodii-solution/data-use/).
- Do I need a social media profile to build a profile on prodii.com?
No. You can enter data yourself or you can complete the team invitation provided to you by your team owner.
- I have changed my social media profile. How do I refresh my profile?
Data import takes your data from your social media and puts them in a “edit layer” from where you can accept the content you want transferred into your profile.
- What information do you import from my social media?
We take data from your profile. Such as profile image, job title and bio. Depending on the media we import number of actions (how many times you have shared, liked, posted), hash tagged words (twitter).
NB! We do not import updates (comments, images, postings and the like). - Which social media can I connect?
We have started with the usual – and will continue to add media based on our users suggestions.
- Linkedin: Basic API; name, title, image, bio, geo location
- XING: Most of your profile data
- Twitter: Name, image, bio, geo location, hashtags
- Slideshare: Name, title, image, bio, categories
- Delicious: Name, title, image, bio, categories
Coming soon
- Google+ and Youtube
- Coursera
इस प्लगइन के लिए कोई समीक्षा नहीं है।
सहायक &डेवलपर्स
यह खुला स्रोत सॉफ्टवेयर है। अनुगामी लोगो ने इस प्लगइन के लिए योगदान दिया है।
योगदानकर्ताTranslate “People profiles, team- and company pages” into your language.
Interested in development?
Browse the code, check out the SVN repository, or subscribe to the development log by RSS.
बदलाव विवरण
- Modification – The old data structure were designed to specific elements, but now we are introducing a new and more generic data structure.
- Modification – The media icons from Awesome Fonts is no longer used. Instead we hold all the icons from the media that we supports on prodii.com. The new icons is in colors, so if you are the developer of a Prodii template, you are free to show them as you like. With pure css you can choose to style the icon to show them in colors, white or any other color just as you like.
- Modification – We are now using the WP_Http class istead of using cURL directly, as WordPress recommend.
- Modification – Languages now covers bort speaking and writing abilities. So the old data structure languages.name and languages.longname is deprecated and languages.speakname, languages.speakname, languages.speakname and languages.speakname are now the new standard. Template developers can still use the old ones but we recommende use of the new data structure.
- Problem resolved – Depricated constructor format problem.
- Modification – ‘company’ renamed to the more logical name ‘network’ in order to reflect the purpose of this tool. Company in the shortcode is now depricated, but can still be used.
- Modification – Customer ‘Google Map key’-field introduced to the ‘Settings’-section.
- Modification – Enhanced error handling added. The templates will be shown if it is possible, even if the shotcode has errors. If it is not possible, a proper error message will be show. In any error situation, an visible icon is shown on the template top to imply that you have an error.
- Problem resolved – Had some problems showing the templates in special situations.
- Problem resolved – Prettyfy problem in the WordPress admin code generator.
- Modification – Added the ability to rate the plugin link from admin.
- Modification – Some minor adjustments to improve stability.
- Problem resolved – jQuery load problem resolved. Google map sensor parameter not needed anymore, thus removed.
- Modification – Shortcode generator improved. Now the code generation of company-, team- and member-shortcodes are independant of each other.
- Modification – We are introducing two great new features for our paying customers:
Change language on your template.
This is step 1 of enabling you to present in any language. In step 2 we will introduce google translate of free text.
Right now we provide English as main language and Portuguese, Danish as add ons
- Modification – Language handling for fixed textes introduced to this plugin. So now you can select among the languages supported by the template you are using. The default language is English(UK).
Dublin and Dublinda are supporting the languages English(UK), Danish, Portuguese and French.
- Modification – Change of system logic according to shortcodes and embedcodes. Therefore the shortcode and embedcode parameter level Teams has changed to Company.
So updating now means you have to change level parameter for the company view. Now we also need the companyid before the teamids.
Now it is possible to show a company without teams.
We made vanity system to show companies, teams and profiles with a pre selected template.
Just write eg.:
https://prodii.com/prodii/development – and you will see our Development team from Prodii with one template
https://prodii.com/prodii – and you will see Prodii with another template.
The templates shown is the ones selected by the profile.
There are much more combinations, go there and explore https://prodii.com.
- Problem resolved – Related posts error for users with several shortcodes and related posts.
- Problem resolved – Code generator Company error.
- Problem resolved – Ajax problem resolved.
- Modification – We have added an WP administration section, in order to help with shortcode creation. When your key is saved in the WP database, you have access to the Prodii code generator from WP-admin.
- Modification – In order to track statistics on your plugins, we are collecting data about client ip, location, language, browser, platform, display level, display ids and template used. These data can be viewed on prodii.com or retrieved using our API.
- Modification – Now teams is shown in the same order as in shortcode or embedcode, instead of name alphabetic, which means you can control the team order.
- Problem resolved – Plugin installed on WordPress site located in subdomain error.
- Modification – Template runned from customers server is now possible, just by uploading your template to the Company Presentation plugin’s newly added “templates”-folder.
- The file structure has been changed in order to accommodate this new requirement.
- Company Presentation plugin, detects if a certain template exists on the customers server. If exists, the template on the customers server is used, othervice the plugin tries to find the template on Prodii’s server.
- Our templates now uses a limeited and enhanced version of Bootstrap to avoid the “simple classname Bootstrap problem”, so now Carerpage run perfectly together with any theme.
- Modification – Template Copenhagen is now fully responsive.
- js file included for each template, in order to be template specific.
- Problem resolved – Ajax load error when the wordpress software is not located in the root directory.
- Problem resolved – Breadcrumb related API issue resolved
- Modification – Loading spinner added
- Modification – Calls to the Prodii API is now posted instead of getted
- Issue with breadcrumbs resolved
- All images now have a fixed width/height ratio, wich make the presentaion look nicer
- Modification – Font Awesome elements added to the infographics
- Modification – Prodii moved to a secure server (SSL-protocol, Secure Sockets Layer)
- Problem resolved – Deprecated functioncall problem, resolved
- Problem resolved – Problem with navigation with some themes resolved
- Initial release
Known issues with themes
- Problem resolved (see changelog 3.0.0) – We are using bootstrap framework, which unfortunately uses very simple and frequently used classnames eg. “row”, “col” and “container”. This produces problems with some themes, that also uses these classnames.
Following themes is known to have this problem:
Please leave a note if you have more issues
Known issues with other plugins
- Easy Google Fonts – Careerpages never show its content on page, when having Easy Google Fonts installed.
Please leave a note if you have more issues